Thursday, February 10, 2011

Dear Journal,

First off, I'm feeling better!  I had a double ear infection, but the medicine made me feel lots better!

Now, on to more important news...I'm nine months old! Can you believe it? Mommy and daddy sure can't!

Here's what I am up to these days!

-I am really getting the hang of crawling around the house!  I usually don't go too far, but I've been known to follow mom and dad into another room when I want them
-I love holding on to my walker. I can stand up for about 10 minutes before I get tired and fall over
-I still don't have any teeth!
-I wear 9 month clothes and size 3 diapers
-I am starting to eat more foods.  A typical day may be an 8oz morning bottle, cereal and some bagel pieces for breakfast, a 6 oz bottle and a pack of baby food for lunch, snacks during the day such as puffs, wheels, and cookies, and a fruit and vegetable for dinner.  Then I get a 4-6 oz bottle before bed.
-Bedtime has been around 7pm; I've been sick lately so sleeping through the night has been a little hard. When I feel allright I sleep through the night
-I wake up around 5:30am ready to eat!
-I love to play with my toys. I especially love my kitchen and my tree toy that has three balls to push down the slide
-I started pointing this week; I don't clap or wave as often as I used to
-I love to babble....I'm still sticking with ma-ma, da-da, and ba-ba
-When I want to be picked up my parents always say up-up and move their hands above their heads 2 times; I finally started doing the hand motion when I want up!
-I love to laugh at my dogs
-I love to blow raspberries and will imitate anyone who does's the only thing I repeat right now.
-Everybody loves me a whole bunch!

Good night!

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