Friday, February 11, 2011

Dear Journal,

I forgot to mention yesterday that I did not want to take 9 month old pictures. I cried and cried.

Sorry mom and dad, this is the best you are going to get for this month's picture!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Dear Journal,

First off, I'm feeling better!  I had a double ear infection, but the medicine made me feel lots better!

Now, on to more important news...I'm nine months old! Can you believe it? Mommy and daddy sure can't!

Here's what I am up to these days!

-I am really getting the hang of crawling around the house!  I usually don't go too far, but I've been known to follow mom and dad into another room when I want them
-I love holding on to my walker. I can stand up for about 10 minutes before I get tired and fall over
-I still don't have any teeth!
-I wear 9 month clothes and size 3 diapers
-I am starting to eat more foods.  A typical day may be an 8oz morning bottle, cereal and some bagel pieces for breakfast, a 6 oz bottle and a pack of baby food for lunch, snacks during the day such as puffs, wheels, and cookies, and a fruit and vegetable for dinner.  Then I get a 4-6 oz bottle before bed.
-Bedtime has been around 7pm; I've been sick lately so sleeping through the night has been a little hard. When I feel allright I sleep through the night
-I wake up around 5:30am ready to eat!
-I love to play with my toys. I especially love my kitchen and my tree toy that has three balls to push down the slide
-I started pointing this week; I don't clap or wave as often as I used to
-I love to babble....I'm still sticking with ma-ma, da-da, and ba-ba
-When I want to be picked up my parents always say up-up and move their hands above their heads 2 times; I finally started doing the hand motion when I want up!
-I love to laugh at my dogs
-I love to blow raspberries and will imitate anyone who does's the only thing I repeat right now.
-Everybody loves me a whole bunch!

Good night!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Dear Journal,

I'm still sick.   Daddy was finally feeling good enough to go to work today so mommy took the day off to stay home with me. I'm so glad she did. We spent the day snuggling and taking lots of naps. She tried to get some work and housework done but I just wanted her to hold me. She said she didn't mind at all.

My tummy seemed better today but I have started coughing a lot and mommy says she feels the cough in my chest.  Daddy made an appointment for me to see Dr. Roscoe tomorrow.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Dear Jounal,

What an awful night! Around 3am daddy woke up and wasn't feeling well. Mommy heard me from the monitor and since she was up anyway with daddy she decided to check in on me. I'm not feeling good either! In fact, I threw up everywhere! :(

Mommy and daddy felt so bad for me! I wasn't crying or anything, but man was I messy!  I had to have a bath in the middle of the night.  Daddy and I were both in tough shape! Mommy had to go to the grocery store at 4am to get Pedialite for me and Powerade for daddy.

I had my ups and downs the rest of the day. I liked shaking daddy's powerade...

I couldn't eat much today...mommy decided to try a popsicle to see if that made me feel better.

Mom, thanks for taking good care of daddy and me!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Dear Journal,

I love lazy Saturdays! Daddy was home from work so we watched some cartoons this morning.

Have I mentioned I'm into EVERYTHING these days?

I'm so busy and into everything I even got my first bruise! None of us are quite sure how I got it, but I'm sure I was doing something fun!

For dinner tonight mommy was excited to introduce me to one of her favorite foods...mashed potatoes!

Hmm..I'm not sure about these.

Wait, I am sure...I don't like them!!

Yuck! I'm glad mom only made me try two bites! Sorry mom, I'm not a mashed potato girl yet...maybe someday.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Dear Journal,

Guess what? My hair just keeps growing back! We had to cut it AGAIN!


After... are getting pretty good at this!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Dear Journal,

I showed mommy and daddy a new trick last night at 1am. I figured out how to stand up in my crib. Unfortunately I don't know how to get back down so I stood screaming until mom and dad came to lay me down. I decided to show them this trick again at 2:30am. They applauded my efforts but have asked me to only show them new tricks during the daytime.

(dramatic reanactment staged this morning...I was happy to play along and make it look realistic)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Dear Journal,

Ice Ice Baby!  I woke up and to my surprise mommy wasn't getting ready for work. In fact she let go into bed with her to snuggle. She said that her school was cancelled today. Then she told me mine was too.  Double snow day!!!!

I wondered what the big deal was so I decided to look outside.

Whoa! I couldn't even see outside there was so much ice.  I asked mommy to open the garage door so I could take a quick peek.


Mommy and I enjoyed our day together. Bartok liked me being home too. 

Aren't my feet cute?

Next we had a "Cubs" photo shoot.  I can't wait to go to Addison Street this summer for my first cubs game.

Good thing I have a few more months to grow into my hat!