Sunday, October 31, 2010

Dear Journal,


The day is finally here. I'm kind of sad the holiday is almost over. I have loved all the fun things we did this month: the orchard, the pumpkin patch, carving a pumpkin, watching Charlie Brown, painting pottery, picking out a costume.

Today was so much fun! We went to the Gentry's and met up with the Huffmans, Nobles, and Humphries to go trick or treating. 

I showed everyone how I like to blow raspberries.

Since I'm so little and it was almost my bedtime I only went to a few houses.

Then I waved goodbye and said goodnight to my friends. Sometimes it's no fun being the youngest!

This ladybug needs to rest her wings. Good night!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Dear Journal,

I got to have more fun with Grandma and Grandpa Lister this morning.  They let me watch some cartoons while they played cards.  Then mommy and I went out to lunch with Auntie Katie.  I got to see her belly.....I can't wait for my new friend to come in January!!

On the way home we stopped by the pottery place to pick up my Halloween pumpkin. It's so cute!  Red with black dots, just like my ladybug costume!

I got to spend the evening with mommy and daddy tonight. They read me a Halloween story before I went to sleep.

Don't worry, I didn't get scared!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Dear Journal,

I know it's not Halloween yet, but I got to wear my costume today at school!  The older kids had a halloween parade down the hallway and us babies got to dress up and watch!

Then, mommy picked me up early and we drove to Ft. Wayne to see Grandma and Grandpa Lister. I was a little scared at first and took awhile to warm up to them this time!

But by the end of the night we were old friends.

 I love them lots and lots!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Dear Journal,

I love holidays.  Halloween isn't until this weekend and I have been having so much fun getting ready for it!  Tonight mom and dad let me stay up past my bedtime because, "It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown" was on TV!  I kept my eyes on the screen and liked the voices, even though I was conked out in mom's arms before 8:15.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Dear Journal,

Today my mom told me I got mail!  I opened up my package and found a fun Halloween book from Grandma and Grandpa Lister. It was the perfect size for me and I just love it!

I got to go out to dinner tonight with mom and godmother-to-be Karen.  We went to Oaken Barrel and I was really good. I love people watching! The little boy at the table next to us thought I was pretty cute! He kept making faces at me.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Dear Journal,

Halloween week continues!  Tonight my parents sat me in my chair and put a big old pumpkin on the table.

I watched as my dad cut the top off and scooped out the insides. Then mom and dad both carved out a spooky ghost. 

Mommy saw my godmother-to-be Karen last night and she sent me over a bag of Halloween goodies, including a fun pumpkin onesie. I decided to put it on and pose for a Halloween picture!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Dear Journal,

There is nothing better than a good story. I just love it when mommy and daddy read to me. Tonight, daddy read one of my mom's favorite books, "The Fourteen Bears Summer and Winter".

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Dear Journal,

Today mom said we were starting a yearly tradition. She said that every year I will get to paint a ceramic pumpkin so it looks like my Halloween costume. She thinks it will be really fun when I am older to have pumpkins around the house that will remind me of my different Halloweens. So, that meant I had to paint a ladybug pumpkin today!

First, I picked out  a pumpkin.

I tried to help daddy, but I kept trying to eat the brush.

So mommy and daddy put me down for awhile and I played while they painted.

I did help put the dots on, though! there anything else to add?

Nope! All done! It will be more "red" when I pick it up next week. I can't wait to see my finished pumpkin!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Dear Journal,

Did I mention that mommy is on fall break this week? Daddy took off of work so they could spend time together. I guess they are going to have a date day today and we are going to have family day tomorrow. At first I was disappointed that I still had to go to daycare today, but at least they dressed me up cute!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Dear Journal,

This week mom and dad cut out one my bottles.  I used to eat 5 oz at 6am, 10am, 2pm, 5pm, and before bed.  My parents decided to start feeding me 6 oz at a time instead. So now I take my bottles at 6am, 11am, 4pm and before bed and I just eat real food around 5pm.  I love my new schedule.  Since my bottles need to be bigger, we needed bigger bottles.  While we were at Babies R Us mommy saw a bottle with handles on it. She handed it to me in the store and to their surprise I took it with both hands and held it up to my mouth right away.  So they bought it for me!

Check out my new feeding skills!

I even figured out that when it gets low I need to hold it higher!

I even fell asleep feeding myself tonight.  Mommy and daddy are so proud of me!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Dear Journal,

It's getting cold outside! I like to go on a walk after dinner most nights. Now that's it's getting chilly I have to start wearing hats!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Dear Journal,

Today we went to find a pumpkin for Halloween.  We went to Waterman's Market and there was a big truck load of pumpkins.

Finally, mommy and I found one we both agreed on.

Dad said we would carve it into a Jack O' Lantern before Halloween. I can't wait!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Dear Journal,

I woke up much happier today than I did last Sunday.

After church I took a little rest from sucking my toes.....sort of.

Then mom and I went to Kennedy and Deagan's birthday party at Monkey Joe's.  Mason's mom brought me into the bounce house for a few minutes.

Then we sang happy birthday.  Everyone else got to eat cake. As usual, I just watched.

Since I didn't get to eat cake mom let me try a new food when I got home...bananas! Yum Yum!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Dear Journal,

Well, I woke up this morning on my stomach! I decided now that I'm sitting up on my own I should start rolling around more. Daddy came to get me and I was face down and had my foot out of the side of the crib. Mommy says if I start doing this in the middle of the night it's going to wake me (and them) up. We will see!

My dad had to work this afternoon, so we made sure to have fun this morning.

First, we watched some tv.

Then, he gave me a drum lesson.

It was chilly so when we out to run errands I had to wear a coat. Dad took mom and I out for Mexican for Sweetest Day. 

After dad went to work mom and I spent the day together. Since I'm getting so big I finally got to use the tray on my high chair.

I also got to go for a walk with Bartok and Coppola.

You would think after a fun day like this that I would go to bed early. Nope. I screamed for an hour before I went down. Mommy said she is confused because I have been so good about bedtime lately.  I confused her even more when I woke up again an hour after I went to bed.  She says it's going to be a long night.  I better get off the computer and go back to sleep again.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Dear Journal,

I hadn't done anything "baby book worthy" in awhile so I thought today was the day.   I've been practicing for quite awhile and I can now sit up all by myself! Check me out!

I'm so proud of myself!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Dear Journal,

Since I turned 5 months old yesterday I decided it was time for some reflection. Okay, I'm not really sure what that means, so instead I'm just going to tell you stuff I'm doing these days.

-I eat stage one baby foods (so far I have tried sweet potatos, acorn squash, butternut squash, peas, and rice cereal)  I love it!

-I have rolled over from my tummy to my back and from my back to my tummy...but I don't like doing it so I hardly ever show off these skills. I do roll from side to side a lot.

-I am ALMOST sitting on my own. I can go about 5 seconds before I topple over like a weeble wobble (but I do fall down)!

-I laugh a lot and have recently started enjoying peek a boo.

-I wear size 3-6 clothes and they are still a little big. I am in size 3 diapers.

-I like to kick my Bartok when he comes to visit me. Not because I'm mad at him. I'm just really excited to see him.

-I continue to eat my feet. It's a great pastime.

-I go to bed between 7:30 and 8:00pm.   I have recently started crying in the middle of the night. Mom and dad learned to ignore me, and I go to back to sleep. Mom wakes me up before she goes to work around 5:30am. Then I go back to bed until daddy takes me to daycare.

I sound pretty cute, don't I?  Perhaps I should write myself an ad in the newspaper to see if I can find a nice baby date.

-I enjoy long walks through the neighborhood and playdates at the park.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Dear Journal,

Guess what? I am 5 months old today!!!!  I thought since it was such a big occasion I would get a little extra sleep. But no, mom and dad woke me up for church. I was not pleased....this girl was tired!

But then, mommy gave me a special coat. She said it was hers when she was a little girl. I loved it!!

This week is also Canadian Thanksgiving, so I put on my northern gear and took a picture to show them I am still a little Maple Leaf in training.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Dear Journal,

It's October but it's HOT! I like this because I have lots of cute clothes for days like these!  I got to wear my ladybug outfit from the Stewarts. Mommy tried to put the shoes on me, but I just like my feet too much now and I rip them off.

Guess what? I am almost sitting up on my own!  I do really well propped up against things, too.

Later in the day we got to go to the orchard. Dad and Mom told me I would get to pick apples....FALSE!  The apples were all bagged up for the season. I did get to see pumpkins and watch mom and dad eat a carmel apple and drink cider. Then, I got to see what it was like to be an apple in a tree.  I hope no one picks me!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Dear Journal,

Today was a different day. Daddy volunteered at a school all day helping paint new stuff on their playground. Mommy was at Purdue for a conference. I still just had to go to daycare.

When they got home they were tired from their days, but happy to see me. Mommy let me try on my Haloween costume.

Then, they let me stay up past my bedtime! I got to sit on the couch and watch tv with them. I fell asleep and daddy carried me up to bed.

It was so much fun staying up late!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Dear Journal,

What a busy day! After mom picked me up from daycare we went to park to play with some of the "SENSE" babies. All of their mommies used to work with mommy at her old school.  I got to see Macy, McKenna, Clayton, Lacy, Morgan, and Tyler. Everyone got to swing except me...I had to lay on a blanket.

It's a good thing Macy was there to check on me. In fact, she goes to the same place I go for daycare and she always walks by to check on me each day.  She came and kept me company for awhile. I liked that!

After our fun at the park we went home for a few hours so I could take a little nap and eat. Then, mom and I went to the doctor's office.

When mom and dad scheduled this appointment back in July I was going to bed around 9:30 or 10:00, so they made the appointment for 7pm.  But now, that's my bedtime, so mommy was a little nervous about how i would be tonight. I waited patiently in the waiting room.

I finally got to back to my room an HOUR later (they said they were sorry they were so backed up tonight!).  Now I know I go to "Clown Pediatrics" but the creepy clown on the wall gave me the creeps! I stealthily avoided eye contact.

First they measured my little head...16". Then they weighed and measured me. Check out my stats!

Since my appointment on July 27th I gained 2 lbs 11 oz, grew 3/4 inch and my head is 1/2 inch bigger!
Dr. Roscoe said I'm between the 25th and 50th percentile for height, weight, and head circumference.

Speaking of Dr. Roscoe....he always wears a funny hat. He has a wall of fun hats like Elmo, clown hats, animal hats and more. Today he came into the room with a Pirates of the Caribbean hat. I did not like his fake black hair! I saw him and started screaming!  It was over with quick, though. I got my shots and got out of there! I cried the whole way home because it was an hour and half past my bed time. I am now fed and ready for bed.  Good night everyone...I'm going to sleep well tonight!