Friday, December 31, 2010

Dear Journal,

I'm at Grandma and Grandpa Lister's house today!  Daddy is going to a football game with Grandpa, Uncle Chris, Uncle Pat and my cousin Jack this weekend, so mommy and I decided to hang out in Fort Wayne.

This morning I was just sitting there minding my own business eating breakfast when grandma pulled out the scissors and gave me a little trim. Can't a girl eat around here?

Luckily I don't hold a grudge, especially since grandma fed me a bottle a little while later.

Later we played cards. I was on Grandpa's team.

When I got tired of playing cards, grandma let me play with her Tupperware.  She has a better selection than mommy.

The Wilson's came over for New Year's Eve. I heard that daddy was coming up from Indianapolis tonight and that all the adults were going to play cards and have a fun night. I got all dolled up for the occasion.

Now I thought I looked pretty spiffy and ready to party, but a few minutes after this picture was taken, they put me to bed! Can you believe it? I wanted to see the ball drop at midnight.  Aw nuts!  See you next year!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Dear Journal,

This is Addison's mom. Normally I don't write in her journal but today I had to share a picture. Addison woke up this morning and was having a VERY bad hair day. 

She didn't want me to post this picture, but I thought she would appreciate it when she was older. Now...I'll let Addison take back over.

Awww mom! How embarassing!  If I knew how to delete that I would. Oh to tell you about my day.   Mommy and I got up super early so I didn't get all my beauty sleep (which is why my hair is so messed up!).  Luckily once we got in the car I got to sleep for a long time! I slept for over 2 hours and when I woke up we were in Ft. Wayne!

We went to Auntie Katie's house and I got to play with Jack.  We kind of look like brother and sister don't we?

Jack practiced holding me since he is going to have a new baby sister sometime this month!

Then more babies came and I soon realized it was the winter edition of Babypalooza! Normally we all get together in Indianapolis but since the baby in Auntie Katie's tummy may come out anytime everyone took a road trip up north. Today I got to see Jack, Avery, Kennedy, Deagan, Sebastian, and Maya.  The bigger kids got to eat at a cool little table, but not me.

It's getting much harder to take our group picture now. Especially since it was naptime!

We took one more picture with Auntie Katie, Jack, and my soon to be best friend (in Katie's tummy).

All the other babies headed back to Indianapolis, but since we are in Ft. Wayne mommy says we get to go see Grandma and Grandpa tonight!  I'll fill you in tomorrow!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Dear Journal,

So this summer when mom brought me home from the hospital we had a lot of time on our hands before she went back to work. We started watching this TV show called Beverly Hills 90210.

We watched it while I was eating, we watched it in the background while mommy would clean the house, we watched it while I played.

Here's me in July...

We started in May and tonight we started watching the final episode. Mom said we watched 10 seasons of the show. Wow! That's a lot!

I really like this show. When the theme music starts up now I stop what I am doing to watch the TV.  My favorite character is Brandon.

I sometimes smile when he is on the screen.  I can't believe we are finishing it tonight! What are we going to watch now?

I already know lots of life lessons thanks to this show. I think I'm ready to be a teenager now. (Just kidding daddy!)

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Dear Journal,

It was an exciting night. Lots of people came over including two more puppies!  Ruby and Izzy came to meet Bartok and Coppola and I got to play with 4 dogs at once!

Then, I got to sit in on my first poker game. I even got to drink! (my bottle that is)

But man, oh man, I only got to play cards for about 10 minutes before my mom and dad put me to bed. No fair.  I could have won so much needs a new pair of shoes!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Dear Journal,

My mom handed me this strange looking thing today....

She said it was a cookie so I decided to try and eat it...

Yum! I love eating solid foods. I can't wait to see what they feed me next!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Dear Journal,

I decided to get all dressed up for church today. Everyone thought I looked pretty cute!

But I was still really tired from Christmas, so I slept during the last half of church and on the way home.

When I got home I begged mom to put me in something more comfy....I got to wear some more legwarmers from Christmas. Now I'm cute, happy, and ready to play with my toys!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Dear Journal,

I wish you a Merry Christmas, I wish you a Merry's here! The big day!

I walked downstairs (okay, actually I was carried downstairs) and this is what I saw..

Look! Llama llama red pajama was in my stocking!

I wanted to get to my presents right away, but first I had to help mom and dad make coffee and cinnamon rolls in the kitchen...come on people!

It was finally time to open presents and they made me work for it...I couldn't figure out what they wanted me to do! I just knew everything was out of my reach!

Warning...I don't do much in this video!

Finally after about 10 minutes I figured it out!

The presents looked fun...

Bartok tried to help me figure out how to unwrap them.

Don't worry, I finally figured it out.
Ooops! I almost forgot about my stocking! (Did you notice Santa put a red bow on Llama Llama)?

Wow..I sure am a lucky girl. Thanks Santa!

I was so tired after all this fun that I took a long nap (so did the dogs!)

Then I snuggled with daddy for awhile and watched Christmas shows!

After a bedtime bath I got to try on my new legwarmers from Santa...oo la la!

They kept my legs nice and toasty!

Then I got zipped into my sleep sack and it was time for bed...but since it IS my first Christmas I convinced daddy to play with me a little past my bedtime!

Merry Christmas everyone!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Dear Journal,

Remember I told you about all that shopping we did last night? Well we had to do MORE this morning. Mommy and I left the house around 7am and headed to the mall to find some last minute gifts for daddy.  The mall on Christmas Eve day? I told mom it was a bad idea but she didn't listen!  I was just along for the ride, and I was sleepy!

When we got home from the mall mommy had lots of stuff to unpack from the mall. I told to her to go ahead and unpack, and I would feed myself if she let me watch Christmas Yo Gabba Gabba. She was very impressed with my independence.

She started wrapping gifts and I decided to help her get the wrapping paper off the rolls. I thought it would save her time.

When I was done helping, I got a new toy. What a cool stick!

Daddy came home from work and they fed me dinner. Then they said it was finally time to open some of those presents under the tree I've been eyeing all month!!

Mom and dad told me that every year on Christmas Eve we will get new pajamas to wear to bed so we look our very best when Santa arrives.  I helped mom open her pj's and I LOVED the bow on her gift.

It looked so good, that I thought I would see how it tasted!

Next, I got to open up my pajamas. They are soft and fluffy and have snowmen and penguins on them. I even figured out how to tear off the paper. This new skill should come in pretty handy tomorrow morning.

After that we all got changed into our jammies, even Bartok and Coppola.

Mom and dad let me open one more present.

Mom and dad read me my new books and now they are telling me it's time to quit writing in my journal so I can go to bed. They said when I wake up tomorrow Santa will have come to visit.  You don't have to tell me twice...this little lady is off to bed.Like my new book said,  "Happy Christmas to all and to all a good night!"

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Dear Journal,

What a BUSY BUSY day! 

I started off the day getting my Christmas presents ready to give my teachers.

I even made them special tags...

After school it was time for a Christmas party at Todd and Michelle's! I got all bundled up and ready to go.

I got to see lot of fun people there.

Sensible parents would have taken their baby home after that...but my parents are not sensible, they are fun. So we went shopping.  First, we went to petsmart to get Bartok, Coppola, and Appleton Christmas presents.

Then I fell asleep and mommy and daddy went to Babies R Us. I was still asleep so then they went to Toys R Us. Then I decided to wake up and scream "Enough is Enough!"  Mommy quickly got me to the car while daddy bought me some presents (don't worry...I didn't peek). Mommy was driving me around the parking lot trying to get me to go to sleep and she drove over a big chunk of ice.  Well, it turns out that big chunk of ice is actually a big piece of cement stuck under our car.  I'm going to sleep to let mommy and daddy figure this one out.  I told you it was a busy day!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Dear Journal,

Wednesday nights are usually pretty boring because dad works, but tonight was super fun!  

First, my godmother came over to see me! She's so nice she even brought me some Christmas presents. At first I was a little grumpy....

But wow... my Fisher Price Nativity Scene was super cool!!!

Auntie Karen also brought me some new candy cane reindeer pajamas.  I put them on and showed her my tree.  I love her!

Soon after that Mommy and her friends had game night at our house. I only got to play half a game of taboo before they put me to bed.  Someday I'll be able to stay up late. Until then I am off to bed!